
Results: 1078
Interview with Henry Clark
Henry Clark
Jan 01, 0001
In his October 26, 2005 interview, Henry Clark discusses his time in the Air Force during World War II. He talks about how he enlisted after Pearl Harbor, and then talks about his time serving in the Pacific Theater. He...
Published by: Winthrop University
The Design of Disciplinarily-Integrated Games as Multirepresentational Systems
Disciplinarily-integrated games represent a generalizable genre and template for designing games to support science learning with a focus on bridging across formal and phenomenological representations of core science...
Spreading the word
PJ Tracey
Apr 15, 2016
I examine the microlevel processes involved when members of an organization seek to persuade others to internalize a new institutional logic. To do so I conduct a qualitative study of the Alpha course, an evangelizing movement...
Published by:
ROCs in Eyewitness Identification
From the perspective of signal-detection theory, different lineup instructions may induce different levels of response bias (Clark, 2005). If so, then collecting correct and false identification rates across different...
Effects of Temporal and Spatial Context Within the Macaque Face-Processing System
Clark Andrew Fisher
Jan 01, 0001
Temporal and spatial context play a key role in vision as a whole, and in face perception specifically. However, little is known about the neurophysiological mechanisms by which contextual cues exert their effects. Anatomically...
Published by: Rockefeller University
ROCs in Eyewitness Identification
From the perspective of signal-detection theory, different lineup instructions may induce different levels of response bias (Clark, 2005). If so, then collecting correct and false identification rates across different...
Georgia Professor to Speak on Environmental Justice
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Robert Bullard, Ware Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Clark Atlanta University, will speak at the sixth annual Dorothy Perry Thompson Colloquium. Bullard also serves as director of the Environmental Justice Resource...
Published by: Winthrop University
ROCs in Eyewitness Identification
From the perspective of signal-detection theory, different lineup instructions may induce different levels of response bias (Clark, 2005). If so, then collecting correct and false identification rates across different...
Investigating Epistemic Stances in Game Play with Data Mining
In this paper, techniques of statistical computing were applied to data logs to investigate the patterns in students' play of The Fuzzy Chronicles, and how these patterns relate to learning outcomes with regards to Newtonian...








