
Results: 107
1 Clement, Jews and Judaism
JNB Carleton Paget
Mar 08, 2017
Der Aufsatz untersucht erneut die Bewertung des 1. Clemensbriefes in der Forschungsdiskussion um das Thema der judenchristlichen Beziehungen im Rom des 1. Jahrhunderts. Gegen die mehrheitliche Auffassung, dass Clemens eine...
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Experimental Investigation of Soot Production and Oxidation in a Lab-Scale Rich–Quench–Lean (RQL) Burner
Abstract: Swirl-stabilized, turbulent, non-premixed ethylene–air flames at atmospheric pressure with downstream radially-injected dilution air were investigated from the perspective of soot emissions. The velocity and location...
Published by: Springer Netherlands
Inkjet-printed CMOS-integrated graphene–metal oxide sensors for breath analysis
Abstract: Early diagnosis in exhaled breath is a key technology for next-generation personal healthcare monitoring. Current chemiresistive sensors, primarily based on metal oxide (MOx) thin films, have limited applicability in...
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Quantum teleportation using highly coherent emission from telecom C-band quantum dots
Abstract: A practical way to link separate nodes in quantum networks is to send photons over the standard telecom fibre network. This requires sub-Poissonian photon sources in the wavelength band around 1550 nm, with photon...
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Theologische Diskussion und Entscheidung auf Synoden
Thomas Graumann
Jan 18, 2016
Wie wird auf Synoden Theologie diskutiert und Rechtgläubigkeit definiert? Was macht Synoden zum geeigneten Instrument oder Forum dieses Bemühens? Oder sollte man synodale Zusammenkünfte nicht prinzipiell als Ereignisse...
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Quantum-dot-based telecommunication-wavelength quantum relay
© 2017 American Physical Society. The development of quantum relays for long-haul and attack-proof quantum communication networks operating with weak coherent laser pulses requires entangled photon sources at telecommunication...
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Quantum teleportation using coherent emission from telecom C-band quantum dots
A practical way to link separate nodes in quantum networks is to send photons over the standard telecom fibre network. This requires sub-Poissonian photon sources in the telecom wavelength band around 1550 nm, where the...
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The Collaborative Effort and Efficiency of Inquiry-Based Learning
This study investigates the effect on the teacher's performance of collaborative effort and efficiency of inquiry-based learning. It also determines the impact of the mediating role of student performance. The research framework...
A quantum light-emitting diode for the standard telecom window around 1,550 nm.
Single photons and entangled photon pairs are a key resource of many quantum secure communication and quantum computation protocols, and non-Poissonian sources emitting in the low-loss wavelength region around 1,550 nm are...
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Direitos Sociais na Constituição Uma Análise da Constitucionalização dos Direitos Sociais em Portugal, 1975-76
Embora todas as constituições incluam direitos, e muitas delas incluam direitos sociais, a verdade é que algumas são mais generosas do que outras a este respeito. Mas nenhuma se aproxima da Constituição da República Portuguesa...
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Catriona Corke
Jan 10, 2022
ABSTRACT: Peter‐Paul Zahl was a writer, printing press owner, and from 1972 to 1982 a prisoner suspected of belonging to the Red Army Faction (RAF). During the late 1970s, a number of prominent authors risked their reputations...
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Hans Asperger: Held oder Bösewicht
Sarah Wonsidler
Jan 01, 0001
Hans Asperger war ein österreichischer Kinderarzt, Professor, und medizinischer Theoretiker bekannt für seinen Forschung über Autismus in Kindern. W?hrend des Zweiten Welt Kriegs und des Aufstiegs des Nationalsozialisus in Wien...
Published by: Ursinus College








