In her June 1984 interview with Michael Cooke, Dora Jones detailed her work with DHEC's sickle cell program. Jones discussed the misconceptions of sickle cell within South Carolina communities, the role of community groups, and...
In his February 24, 2004 interview with Georgia Williamson, William Franklin Mitchell describes life as a volunteer chaplain for the army during WWII. Specifically, Mitchell shares the reason why he joined the service and what...
In his November 30, 1980 interview with his daughter Anne Ledford, William Ledford remembers his service in the Army during WWII. In particular, Ledford details his basic training and journey through Iceland, England, and...
In his October 20, 2003 interview with Alan Garmendia, William D. Wolfe recollects about his time in the Navy during WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam. Wolfe shares the details of his work in the Navy on an experimental...
In his November 1, 2005 interview with Ebony Williams, Samuel William Searles recalls being drafted for the army during WWII. Searles explains his job during war and how he and fellow soldiers celebrated the end of the war....
Published by Johns Hopkins University Press, the book is titled "William Barton Rogers and the Idea of MIT." "William Barton Rogers and the Idea of MIT" focuses on Rogers and his efforts to establish the Massachusetts Institute...
Stanford Moore and William H. Stein. Determinations of the structure of proteins: studies on ribonuclease.
Lecture delivered February 21, 1957
Posted with permission
The Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential (LJ) is arguably the most widely used pair potential in molecular simulations. In fact, it is so popular that the question is rarely asked whether it is fit for purpose. In this paper, we argue...
Jones, who has worked at Winthrop for 20 years and also served 11 years at the University of Tulsa, oversees Winthrop's DiGiorgio Student Union (DSU) which provides quality on-campus programming to educate and entertain members...
Jones-DeWeever, who will speak at 7 p.m. in Plowden Auditorium, will discuss "We've Come Too Far to Turn Back Now: Black Women in the Wake of the Great Recession." An accomplished scholar, writer and public speaker...
This article examines both positive and negative print depictions of King William III, specifically how William’s masculine identity was produced and perceived in relation to readily accessible norms of manhood. That...
Education Professor Marshall Jones will travel to the Philippines as part of one of the U.S. Department of State's education outreach initiatives. Jones will be working with educators on the use of technology in teaching and...
BACKGROUND: The changes of cortical structure in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are usually described in terms of atrophy. However, neurodegenerative diseases may also affect the complexity of...
Lecture William Cullen Bryant Personals Editorial: The college campus Alumni notes Freshman declamation contest Seminary notes College world Class officers Literary societies
This is a case study of William Lawrence Hill and Sharon South Carolina. Mr. Hill was born in 1866 and grew up under the harshness of Reconstruction which taught Hill that above all else he did not want to become a southern...
When the average person thinks about African American history, the two major historical subjects that possibly comes to their mind are slavery and the civil rights movement. I believe this is the case because African American...