
Results: 12086
Interview with Herman K. Harris
Herman K. Harris
Jan 01, 0001
Rev. Herman K. Harris II (1939-1988) discusses his family background, growing up in Heath Springs, SC, the Civil Rights movement in the south (Rock Hill in particular), the Freedom Riders, Friendship College, drugs, students in...
Published by: Winthrop University
Interview with Edward "Ed" Harris, Brenda Dow, and Sylvester King - OH 296
In May of 2013 Mr. Edward Harris sat down and discussed his brother, Herman K. Harris, who was a part of the freedom riders. Mr. Harris also discusses his military service and his tour of duty in Vietnam. This interview was...
Published by: Winthrop University
Branching Brownian motion with an inhomogeneous breeding potential
J W Harris, Simon C Harris
Aug 01, 2009
This article concerns branching Brownian motion (BBM) with dyadic branching at rate beta vertical bar y vertical bar(p) for a particle with spatial position y is an element of R, where beta > 0. It is known that for p > 2...
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Desgarraduras del cuerpo y degolladuras de la voz
B Epps
Aug 24, 2017
El mismo mar de todos los veranos de Esther Tusquets narra la tormentosa relación erótica y emocional de una mujer de la alta burguesía catalana, casada y desencantada, que ejerce de profesora de literatura, con una joven...
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Branching Brownian motion with an inhomogeneous breeding potential
J W Harris, Simon C Harris
Aug 01, 2009
This article concerns branching Brownian motion (BBM) with dyadic branching at rate beta vertical bar y vertical bar(p) for a particle with spatial position y is an element of R, where beta > 0. It is known that for p > 2...
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Measurement of the t(t)over-bar production cross section in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
A Abulencia, D Acosta, J Adelman, T Affolder, T Akimoto, MG Albrow, D Ambrose, S Amerio, D Amidei, A Anastassov, K Anikeev, A Annovi, J Antos, M Aoki, G Apollinari, JF Arguin, T Arisawa, A Artikov, W Ashmanskas, A Attal, F Azfar, P Azzi-Bacchetta, P Azzurri, N Bacchetta, H Bachacou, W Badgett, A Barbaro-Galtieri, VE Barnes, BA Barnett, S Baroiant, V Bartsch, G Bauer, F Bedeschi, S Behari, S Belforte, G Bellettini, J Bellinger, A Belloni, E Ben Haim, D Benjamin, A Beretvas, J Beringer, T Berry, A Bhatti, M Binkley, D Bisello, RE Blair, C Blocker, B Blumenfeld, A Bocci, A Bodek, V Boisvert, G Bolla, A Bolshov, D Bortoletto, J Boudreau, A Boveia, B Brau, C Bromberg, E Brubaker, J Budagov, HS Budd, S Budd, K Burkett, G Busetto, P Bussey, KL Byrum, S Cabrera, M Campanelli, M Campbell, F Canelli, A Canepa, D Carlsmith, R Carosi, S Carron, M Casarsa, A Castro, P Catastini, D Cauz, M Cavalli-Sforza, A Cerri, L Cerrito, SH Chang, J Chapman, YC Chen, M Chertok, G Chiarelli, G Chlachidze, F Chlebana, I Cho, K Cho, D Chokheli, JP Chou, PH Chu, SH Chuang, K Chung, WH Chung, YS Chung, M Ciljak, CI Ciobanu, MA Ciocci, A Clark, D Clark, M Coca, G Compostella, ME Convery, J Conway, B Cooper, K Copic, M Cordelli, G Cortiana, F Cresciolo, A Cruz, CC Almenar, J Cuevas, R Culbertson, D Cyr, S DaRonco, S D'Auria, M D'Onofrio, D Dagenhart, P de Barbaro, S De Cecco, A Deisher, G De Lentdecker, M Dell'Orso, FD Paoli, S Demers, L Demortier, J Deng, M Deninno, D De Pedis, PF Derwent, C Dionisi, JR Dittmann, P DiTuro, C Dorr, S Donati, M Donega, P Dong, J Donini, T Dorigo, S Dube, K Ebina, J Efron, J Ehlers, R Erbacher, D Errede, S Errede, R Eusebi, HC Fang, S Farrington, I Fedorko, WT Fedorko, RG Feild, M Feindt, JP Fernandez, R Field, G Flanagan, LR Flores-Castillo, A Foland, S Forrester, GW Foster, M Franklin, JC Freeman, I Furic, M Gallinaro, J Galyardt, JE Garcia, MG Sciveres, AF Garfinkel, C Gay, H Gerberich, D Gerdes, S Giagu, P Giannetti, A Gibson, K Gibson, C Ginsburg, N Giokaris, K Giolo, M Giordani, P Giromini, M Giunta, G Giurgiu, V Glagolev, D Glenzinski, M Gold, N Goldschmidt, J Goldstein, G Gomez, G Gomez-Ceballos, M Goncharov, O Gonzalez, I Gorelov, AT Goshaw, Y Gotra, K Goulianos, A Gresele, M Griffiths, S Grinstein, C Grosso-Pilcher, RC Group, U Grundler, JG da Costa, Z Gunay-Unalan, C Haber, SR Hahn, K Hahn, E Halkiadakis, A Hamilton, BY Han, JY Han, R Handler, F Happacher, K Hara, M Hare, S Harper, RF Harr, RM Harris, K Hatakeyama, J Hauser, C Hays, A Heijboer, B Heinemann, J Heinrich, M Herndon, D Hidas, CS Hill, D Hirschbuehl, A Hocker, A Holloway, S Hou, M Houlden, SC Hsu, BT Huffman, RE Hughes, J Huston, J Incandela, G Introzzi, M Iori, Y Ishizawa, A Ivanov, B Iyutin, E James, D Jang, B Jayatilaka, D Jeans, H Jensen, EJ Jeon, S Jindariani, M Jones, KK Joo, SY Jun, TR Junk, T Kamon, J Kang, PE Karchin, Y Kato, Y Kemp, R Kephart, U Kerzel, V Khotilovich, B Kilminster, DH Kim, HS Kim, JE Kim, MJ Kim, SB Kim, SH Kim, YK Kim, L Kirsch, S Klimenko, M Klute, B Knuteson, BR Ko, H Kobayashi, K Kondo, DJ Kong, J Konigsberg, A Korytov, AV Kotwal, A Kovalev, A Kraan, J Kraus, I Kravchenko, M Kreps, J Kroll, N Krumnack, M Kruse, V Krutelyov, SE Kuhlmann, Y Kusakabe, S Kwang, AT Laasanen, S Lai, S Lami, S Lammel, M Lancaster, RL Lander, K Lannon, A Lath, G Latino, I Lazzizzera, T LeCompte, J Lee, J Lee, YJ Lee, SW Lee, R Lefevre, N Leonardo, S Leone, S Levy, JD Lewis, C Lin, CS Lin, M Lindgren, E Lipeles, TM Liss, A Lister, DO Litvintsev, T Liu, NS Lockyer, A Loginov, M Loreti, P Loverre, RS Lu, D Lucchesi, P Lujan, P Lukens, G Lungu, L Lyons, J Lys, R Lysak, E Lytken, P Mack, D MacQueen, R Madrak, K Maeshima, T Maki, P Maksimovic, S Malde, G Manca, F Margaroli, R Marginean, C Marino, A Martin, V Martin, M Martinez, T Maruyama, P Mastrandrea, H Matsunaga, ME Mattson, R Mazini, P Mazzanti, KS McFarland, M McFarlane, P McIntyre, R McNulty, A Mehta, S Menzemer, A Menzione, P Merkel, C Mesropian, A Messina, M von der Mey, T Miao, N Miladinovic, J Miles, R Miller, JS Miller, C Mills, M Milnik, R Miquel, A Mitra, G Mitselmakher, A Miyamoto, N Moggi, B Mohr, R Moore, M Morello, PM Fernandez, J Mulmenstadt, A Mukherjee, T Muller, R Mumford, P Murat, J Nachtman, J Naganoma, S Nahn, I Nakano, A Napier, D Naumov, V Necula, C Neu, MS Neubauer, J Nielsen, T Nigmanov, L Nodulman, O Norniella, E Nurse, T Ogawa, SH Oh, YD Oh, T Okusawa, R Oldeman, R Orava, K Osterberg, C Pagliarone, E Palencia, R Paoletti, V Papadimitriou, AA Paramonov, B Parks, S Pashapour, J Patrick, G Pauletta, M Paulini, C Paus, DE Pellett, A Penzo, TJ Phillips, G Piacentino, J Piedra, L Pinera, K Pitts, C Plager, L Pondrom, X Portell, O Poukhov, N Pounder, F Prakoshyn, A Pronko, J Proudfoot, F Ptohos, G Punzi, J Pursley, J Rademacker, A Rahaman, A Rakitin, S Rappoccio, F Ratnikov, B Reisert, V Rekovic, N van Remortel, P Renton, M Rescigno, S Richter, F Rimondi, L Ristori, WJ Robertson, A Robson, T Rodrigo, E Rogers, S Rolli, R Roser, M Rossi, R Rossin, C Rott, A Ruiz, J Russ, V Rusu, H Saarikko, S Sabik, A Safonov, WK Sakumoto, G Salamanna, O Salto, D Saltzberg, C Sanchez, L Santi, S Sarkar, L Sartori, K Sato, P Savard, A Savoy-Navarro, T Scheidle, P Schlabach, EE Schmidt, P Schmidt, M Schmitt, T Schwarz, L Scodellaro, AL Scott, A Scribano, F Scuri, A Sedov, S Seidel, Y Seiya, A Semenov, L Sexton-Kennedy, I Sfiligoi, MD Shapiro, T Shears, PF Shepard, D Sherman, M Shimojima, M Shochet, Y Shon, I Shreyber, A Sidoti, P Sinervo, A Sisakyan, J Sjolin, A Skiba, AJ Slaughter, K Sliwa, JR Smith, FD Snider, R Snihur, M Soderberg, A Soha, S Somalwar, V Sorin, J Spalding, M Spezziga, F Spinella, T Spreitzer, P Squillacioti, M Stanitzki, A Staveris-Polykalas, RS Denis, B Stelzer, O Stelzer-Chilton, D Stentz, J Strologas, D Stuart, JS Suh, A Sukhanov, K Sumorok, H Sun, T Suzuki, A Taffard, R Takashima, Y Takeuchi, K Takikawa, M Tanaka, R Tanaka, N Tanimoto, M Tecchio, PK Teng, K Terashi, S Tether, J Thom, AS Thompson, E Thomson, P Tipton, V Tiwari, S Tkaczyk, D Toback, S Tokar, K Tollefson, T Tomura, D Tonelli, M Tonnesmann, S Torre, D Torretta, S Tourneur, W Trischuk, R Tsuchiya, S Tsuno, N Turini, F Ukegawa, T Unverhau, S Uozumi, D Usynin, A Vaiciulis, S Vallecorsa, A Varganov, E Vataga, G Velev, G Veramendi, V Veszpremi, R Vidal, I Vila, R Vilar, T Vine, I Vollrath, I Volobouev, G Volpi, F Wurthwein, P Wagner, RG Wagner, RL Wagner, W Wagner, R Wallny, T Walter, Z Wan, SM Wang, A Warburton, S Waschke, D Waters, WC Wester, B Whitehouse, D Whiteson, AB Wicklund, E Wicklund, G Williams, HH Williams, P Wilson, BL Winer, P Wittich, S Wolbers, C Wolfe, T Wright, X Wu, SM Wynne, A Yagil, K Yamamoto, J Yamaoka, T Yamashita, C Yang, UK Yang, YC Yang, WM Yao, GP Yeh, J Yoh, K Yorita, T Yoshida, GB Yu, I Yu, SS Yu, JC Yun, L Zanello, A Zanetti, I Zaw, F Zetti, X Zhang, J Zhou, S Zucchelli, CDF Collaboration
Dec 15, 2021
The production cross-sections of $J/\psi$ mesons in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=5$ TeV are measured using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of...
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The study of human Y chromosome variation through ancient DNA
T Kivisild
May 17, 2017
High throughput sequencing methods have completely transformed the study of human Y chromosome variation by offering a genome-scale view on genetic variation retrieved from ancient human remains in context of a growing number of...
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Analyzing the Omni-Channel Shopper Journey Configuration of Generations Y and Z
Omni-channel retailing has been an essential issue to enterprises nowadays. This research applies goal theory to Engel-Kollat-Blackwell model in the omni-channel context and adapt the concept of Harris, Riley & Hand (2018) to...
Quantifying persistence in the T‐cell signaling network using an optically controllable antigen receptor
Abstract: T cells discriminate between healthy and infected cells with remarkable sensitivity when mounting an immune response, which is hypothesized to depend on T cells combining stimuli from multiple antigen‐presenting cell...
Quantifying persistence in the T-cell signaling network using an optically controllable antigen receptor.
T cells discriminate between healthy and infected cells with remarkable sensitivity when mounting an immune response, which is hypothesized to depend on T cells combining stimuli from multiple antigen-presenting cell...
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B-hadron production in NNLO QCD
We calculate, for the first time, the NNLO QCD corrections to identified heavy hadron production at hadron colliders. The calculation is based on a flexible numeric framework which allows the calculation of any distribution of a...
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Juana Dib y el mahyar árabe-americano
Marcus S. Palmer
Apr 01, 2020
This paper investigates the thematic and aesthetic links between Juana Dib’s poetry with that of emigrant Mahjar writers. It evidences adaptations of perennial themes in Arabic poetry (nationalism, nostalgia, and memory) in...
Restriction endonuclease TseI cleaves A:A and T
The type II restriction endonuclease TseI recognizes the DNA target sequence 5'-G^CWGC-3' (where W = A or T) and cleaves after the first G to produce fragments with three-base 5'-overhangs. We have determined that it is a...
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Rock Hill Rotary Club Honors DiGiorgio With Paul Harris Fellow
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Member Ronnie Faulkner, head of technical services at Winthrop's Dacus Library, nominated DiGiorgio for the award because of the president's achievements as an educator for 50 years. Rotarians designate each other and members of...
Published by: Winthrop University
Juana Dib y el mahyar árabe-americano
Marcus S. Palmer
Apr 01, 2020
This paper investigates the thematic and aesthetic links between Juana Dib’s poetry with that of emigrant Mahjar writers. It evidences adaptations of perennial themes in Arabic poetry (nationalism, nostalgia, and memory) in...
Juana Dib y el mahyar árabe-americano
Marcus S. Palmer
Apr 01, 2020
This paper investigates the thematic and aesthetic links between Juana Dib’s poetry with that of emigrant Mahjar writers. It evidences adaptations of perennial themes in Arabic poetry (nationalism, nostalgia, and memory) in...
Interview with Booker T. Brown - OH 689
This interview was conducted by Dr. George Garrison with Booker T. Brown with a focus on the History of Emmett Scott High School. Emmett Scott was the segregated high school for African-Americans, which was named after Emmett...
Published by: Winthrop University
Branching Brownian Motion with Catalytic Branching at the Origin

We consider a branching Brownian motion in which binary fission takes place only when particles are at the origin at a rate β>0 on the local time scale. We obtain results regarding the asymptotic behaviour of the number of...

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Nef divisors for moduli spaces of complexes with compact support
In Bayer and Macrì (J Am Math Soc 27(3):707–752, 2014), the first author and Macrì constructed a family of nef divisors on any moduli space of Bridgeland-stable objects on a smooth projective variety X. In this article, we...
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The CD4+ T Cell Response to Human Cytomegalovirus in Healthy and Immunocompromised People
While CD8+ T cells specific for human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) have been extensively studied in both healthy HCMV seropositive carriers and patients undergoing immunosuppression, studies on the CD4+ T cell response to HCMV had...
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Nef divisors for moduli spaces of complexes with compact support
In Bayer and Macrì (J Am Math Soc 27(3):707–752, 2014), the first author and Macrì constructed a family of nef divisors on any moduli space of Bridgeland-stable objects on a smooth projective variety X. In this article, we...
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