
Results: 11410
Desgarraduras del cuerpo y degolladuras de la voz
B Epps
Aug 24, 2017
El mismo mar de todos los veranos de Esther Tusquets narra la tormentosa relación erótica y emocional de una mujer de la alta burguesía catalana, casada y desencantada, que ejerce de profesora de literatura, con una joven...
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The study of human Y chromosome variation through ancient DNA
T Kivisild
May 17, 2017
High throughput sequencing methods have completely transformed the study of human Y chromosome variation by offering a genome-scale view on genetic variation retrieved from ancient human remains in context of a growing number of...
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Measurement of the t(t)over-bar production cross section in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
A Abulencia, D Acosta, J Adelman, T Affolder, T Akimoto, MG Albrow, D Ambrose, S Amerio, D Amidei, A Anastassov, K Anikeev, A Annovi, J Antos, M Aoki, G Apollinari, JF Arguin, T Arisawa, A Artikov, W Ashmanskas, A Attal, F Azfar, P Azzi-Bacchetta, P Azzurri, N Bacchetta, H Bachacou, W Badgett, A Barbaro-Galtieri, VE Barnes, BA Barnett, S Baroiant, V Bartsch, G Bauer, F Bedeschi, S Behari, S Belforte, G Bellettini, J Bellinger, A Belloni, E Ben Haim, D Benjamin, A Beretvas, J Beringer, T Berry, A Bhatti, M Binkley, D Bisello, RE Blair, C Blocker, B Blumenfeld, A Bocci, A Bodek, V Boisvert, G Bolla, A Bolshov, D Bortoletto, J Boudreau, A Boveia, B Brau, C Bromberg, E Brubaker, J Budagov, HS Budd, S Budd, K Burkett, G Busetto, P Bussey, KL Byrum, S Cabrera, M Campanelli, M Campbell, F Canelli, A Canepa, D Carlsmith, R Carosi, S Carron, M Casarsa, A Castro, P Catastini, D Cauz, M Cavalli-Sforza, A Cerri, L Cerrito, SH Chang, J Chapman, YC Chen, M Chertok, G Chiarelli, G Chlachidze, F Chlebana, I Cho, K Cho, D Chokheli, JP Chou, PH Chu, SH Chuang, K Chung, WH Chung, YS Chung, M Ciljak, CI Ciobanu, MA Ciocci, A Clark, D Clark, M Coca, G Compostella, ME Convery, J Conway, B Cooper, K Copic, M Cordelli, G Cortiana, F Cresciolo, A Cruz, CC Almenar, J Cuevas, R Culbertson, D Cyr, S DaRonco, S D'Auria, M D'Onofrio, D Dagenhart, P de Barbaro, S De Cecco, A Deisher, G De Lentdecker, M Dell'Orso, FD Paoli, S Demers, L Demortier, J Deng, M Deninno, D De Pedis, PF Derwent, C Dionisi, JR Dittmann, P DiTuro, C Dorr, S Donati, M Donega, P Dong, J Donini, T Dorigo, S Dube, K Ebina, J Efron, J Ehlers, R Erbacher, D Errede, S Errede, R Eusebi, HC Fang, S Farrington, I Fedorko, WT Fedorko, RG Feild, M Feindt, JP Fernandez, R Field, G Flanagan, LR Flores-Castillo, A Foland, S Forrester, GW Foster, M Franklin, JC Freeman, I Furic, M Gallinaro, J Galyardt, JE Garcia, MG Sciveres, AF Garfinkel, C Gay, H Gerberich, D Gerdes, S Giagu, P Giannetti, A Gibson, K Gibson, C Ginsburg, N Giokaris, K Giolo, M Giordani, P Giromini, M Giunta, G Giurgiu, V Glagolev, D Glenzinski, M Gold, N Goldschmidt, J Goldstein, G Gomez, G Gomez-Ceballos, M Goncharov, O Gonzalez, I Gorelov, AT Goshaw, Y Gotra, K Goulianos, A Gresele, M Griffiths, S Grinstein, C Grosso-Pilcher, RC Group, U Grundler, JG da Costa, Z Gunay-Unalan, C Haber, SR Hahn, K Hahn, E Halkiadakis, A Hamilton, BY Han, JY Han, R Handler, F Happacher, K Hara, M Hare, S Harper, RF Harr, RM Harris, K Hatakeyama, J Hauser, C Hays, A Heijboer, B Heinemann, J Heinrich, M Herndon, D Hidas, CS Hill, D Hirschbuehl, A Hocker, A Holloway, S Hou, M Houlden, SC Hsu, BT Huffman, RE Hughes, J Huston, J Incandela, G Introzzi, M Iori, Y Ishizawa, A Ivanov, B Iyutin, E James, D Jang, B Jayatilaka, D Jeans, H Jensen, EJ Jeon, S Jindariani, M Jones, KK Joo, SY Jun, TR Junk, T Kamon, J Kang, PE Karchin, Y Kato, Y Kemp, R Kephart, U Kerzel, V Khotilovich, B Kilminster, DH Kim, HS Kim, JE Kim, MJ Kim, SB Kim, SH Kim, YK Kim, L Kirsch, S Klimenko, M Klute, B Knuteson, BR Ko, H Kobayashi, K Kondo, DJ Kong, J Konigsberg, A Korytov, AV Kotwal, A Kovalev, A Kraan, J Kraus, I Kravchenko, M Kreps, J Kroll, N Krumnack, M Kruse, V Krutelyov, SE Kuhlmann, Y Kusakabe, S Kwang, AT Laasanen, S Lai, S Lami, S Lammel, M Lancaster, RL Lander, K Lannon, A Lath, G Latino, I Lazzizzera, T LeCompte, J Lee, J Lee, YJ Lee, SW Lee, R Lefevre, N Leonardo, S Leone, S Levy, JD Lewis, C Lin, CS Lin, M Lindgren, E Lipeles, TM Liss, A Lister, DO Litvintsev, T Liu, NS Lockyer, A Loginov, M Loreti, P Loverre, RS Lu, D Lucchesi, P Lujan, P Lukens, G Lungu, L Lyons, J Lys, R Lysak, E Lytken, P Mack, D MacQueen, R Madrak, K Maeshima, T Maki, P Maksimovic, S Malde, G Manca, F Margaroli, R Marginean, C Marino, A Martin, V Martin, M Martinez, T Maruyama, P Mastrandrea, H Matsunaga, ME Mattson, R Mazini, P Mazzanti, KS McFarland, M McFarlane, P McIntyre, R McNulty, A Mehta, S Menzemer, A Menzione, P Merkel, C Mesropian, A Messina, M von der Mey, T Miao, N Miladinovic, J Miles, R Miller, JS Miller, C Mills, M Milnik, R Miquel, A Mitra, G Mitselmakher, A Miyamoto, N Moggi, B Mohr, R Moore, M Morello, PM Fernandez, J Mulmenstadt, A Mukherjee, T Muller, R Mumford, P Murat, J Nachtman, J Naganoma, S Nahn, I Nakano, A Napier, D Naumov, V Necula, C Neu, MS Neubauer, J Nielsen, T Nigmanov, L Nodulman, O Norniella, E Nurse, T Ogawa, SH Oh, YD Oh, T Okusawa, R Oldeman, R Orava, K Osterberg, C Pagliarone, E Palencia, R Paoletti, V Papadimitriou, AA Paramonov, B Parks, S Pashapour, J Patrick, G Pauletta, M Paulini, C Paus, DE Pellett, A Penzo, TJ Phillips, G Piacentino, J Piedra, L Pinera, K Pitts, C Plager, L Pondrom, X Portell, O Poukhov, N Pounder, F Prakoshyn, A Pronko, J Proudfoot, F Ptohos, G Punzi, J Pursley, J Rademacker, A Rahaman, A Rakitin, S Rappoccio, F Ratnikov, B Reisert, V Rekovic, N van Remortel, P Renton, M Rescigno, S Richter, F Rimondi, L Ristori, WJ Robertson, A Robson, T Rodrigo, E Rogers, S Rolli, R Roser, M Rossi, R Rossin, C Rott, A Ruiz, J Russ, V Rusu, H Saarikko, S Sabik, A Safonov, WK Sakumoto, G Salamanna, O Salto, D Saltzberg, C Sanchez, L Santi, S Sarkar, L Sartori, K Sato, P Savard, A Savoy-Navarro, T Scheidle, P Schlabach, EE Schmidt, P Schmidt, M Schmitt, T Schwarz, L Scodellaro, AL Scott, A Scribano, F Scuri, A Sedov, S Seidel, Y Seiya, A Semenov, L Sexton-Kennedy, I Sfiligoi, MD Shapiro, T Shears, PF Shepard, D Sherman, M Shimojima, M Shochet, Y Shon, I Shreyber, A Sidoti, P Sinervo, A Sisakyan, J Sjolin, A Skiba, AJ Slaughter, K Sliwa, JR Smith, FD Snider, R Snihur, M Soderberg, A Soha, S Somalwar, V Sorin, J Spalding, M Spezziga, F Spinella, T Spreitzer, P Squillacioti, M Stanitzki, A Staveris-Polykalas, RS Denis, B Stelzer, O Stelzer-Chilton, D Stentz, J Strologas, D Stuart, JS Suh, A Sukhanov, K Sumorok, H Sun, T Suzuki, A Taffard, R Takashima, Y Takeuchi, K Takikawa, M Tanaka, R Tanaka, N Tanimoto, M Tecchio, PK Teng, K Terashi, S Tether, J Thom, AS Thompson, E Thomson, P Tipton, V Tiwari, S Tkaczyk, D Toback, S Tokar, K Tollefson, T Tomura, D Tonelli, M Tonnesmann, S Torre, D Torretta, S Tourneur, W Trischuk, R Tsuchiya, S Tsuno, N Turini, F Ukegawa, T Unverhau, S Uozumi, D Usynin, A Vaiciulis, S Vallecorsa, A Varganov, E Vataga, G Velev, G Veramendi, V Veszpremi, R Vidal, I Vila, R Vilar, T Vine, I Vollrath, I Volobouev, G Volpi, F Wurthwein, P Wagner, RG Wagner, RL Wagner, W Wagner, R Wallny, T Walter, Z Wan, SM Wang, A Warburton, S Waschke, D Waters, WC Wester, B Whitehouse, D Whiteson, AB Wicklund, E Wicklund, G Williams, HH Williams, P Wilson, BL Winer, P Wittich, S Wolbers, C Wolfe, T Wright, X Wu, SM Wynne, A Yagil, K Yamamoto, J Yamaoka, T Yamashita, C Yang, UK Yang, YC Yang, WM Yao, GP Yeh, J Yoh, K Yorita, T Yoshida, GB Yu, I Yu, SS Yu, JC Yun, L Zanello, A Zanetti, I Zaw, F Zetti, X Zhang, J Zhou, S Zucchelli, CDF Collaboration
Dec 15, 2021
The production cross-sections of $J/\psi$ mesons in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=5$ TeV are measured using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of...
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B-hadron production in NNLO QCD
We calculate, for the first time, the NNLO QCD corrections to identified heavy hadron production at hadron colliders. The calculation is based on a flexible numeric framework which allows the calculation of any distribution of a...
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Juana Dib y el mahyar árabe-americano
Marcus S. Palmer
Apr 01, 2020
This paper investigates the thematic and aesthetic links between Juana Dib’s poetry with that of emigrant Mahjar writers. It evidences adaptations of perennial themes in Arabic poetry (nationalism, nostalgia, and memory) in...
Restriction endonuclease TseI cleaves A:A and T
The type II restriction endonuclease TseI recognizes the DNA target sequence 5'-G^CWGC-3' (where W = A or T) and cleaves after the first G to produce fragments with three-base 5'-overhangs. We have determined that it is a...
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Juana Dib y el mahyar árabe-americano
Marcus S. Palmer
Apr 01, 2020
This paper investigates the thematic and aesthetic links between Juana Dib’s poetry with that of emigrant Mahjar writers. It evidences adaptations of perennial themes in Arabic poetry (nationalism, nostalgia, and memory) in...
Juana Dib y el mahyar árabe-americano
Marcus S. Palmer
Apr 01, 2020
This paper investigates the thematic and aesthetic links between Juana Dib’s poetry with that of emigrant Mahjar writers. It evidences adaptations of perennial themes in Arabic poetry (nationalism, nostalgia, and memory) in...
Interview with Booker T. Brown - OH 689
This interview was conducted by Dr. George Garrison with Booker T. Brown with a focus on the History of Emmett Scott High School. Emmett Scott was the segregated high school for African-Americans, which was named after Emmett...
Published by: Winthrop University
Nef divisors for moduli spaces of complexes with compact support
In Bayer and Macrì (J Am Math Soc 27(3):707–752, 2014), the first author and Macrì constructed a family of nef divisors on any moduli space of Bridgeland-stable objects on a smooth projective variety X. In this article, we...
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The CD4+ T Cell Response to Human Cytomegalovirus in Healthy and Immunocompromised People
While CD8+ T cells specific for human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) have been extensively studied in both healthy HCMV seropositive carriers and patients undergoing immunosuppression, studies on the CD4+ T cell response to HCMV had...
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Nef divisors for moduli spaces of complexes with compact support
In Bayer and Macrì (J Am Math Soc 27(3):707–752, 2014), the first author and Macrì constructed a family of nef divisors on any moduli space of Bridgeland-stable objects on a smooth projective variety X. In this article, we...
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How did the guppy Y chromosome evolve?
The sex chromosome pairs of many species do not undergo genetic recombination, unlike the autosomes. It has been proposed that the suppressed recombination results from natural selection favouring close linkage between...
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Measurement of χ<inf>c1</inf>(3872) production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV
The production cross-section of the $\chi_{c1}(3872)$ state relative to the $\psi(2S)$ meson is measured using proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb experiment at centre-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s}=8$ and 13...
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Measurement of the polarisation of single top quarks and antiquarks produced in the t-channel at √s = 13 TeV and bounds on the tWb dipole operator from the ATLAS experiment
Abstract A simultaneous measurement of the three components of the top-quark and top-antiquark polarisation vectors in t-channel...
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Staggered starts in the race to T cell activation.
How T lymphocytes tune their responses to different strengths of stimulation is a fundamental question in immunology. Recent work using new optogenetic, single-cell genomic, and live-imaging approaches has revealed that...
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Degenerate topological line surface phonons in quasi-1D double helix crystal SnIP
AbstractDegenerate points/lines in the band structures of crystals have become a staple of the growing number of topological materials. The bulk-boundary correspondence provides a relation...
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PI3Kδ Forms Distinct Multiprotein Complexes at the TCR Signalosome in Naïve and Differentiated CD4 + T Cells
Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) play a central role in adaptive immunity by transducing signals from the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) via production of PIP3. PI3Kδ is a heterodimer composed of a p110δ catalytic subunit...
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How did the guppy Y chromosome evolve?
The sex chromosome pairs of many species do not undergo genetic recombination, unlike the autosomes. It has been proposed that the suppressed recombination results from natural selection favouring close linkage between...
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An Antecedent Study of Mobile Social Game Addiction vs. Virtual Goods Purchase
This study aims to investigate how cognitive antecedents impact on social game addiction and virtual properties purchase among Generation Y players in Malaysia. Using a quantitative method with 341 Generation Y gamers and...








