
Results: 362
Whose Sins Do the Brethren Confess? The Problem of Sin as the Problem of Expiation
Joseph Webster
Feb 10, 2020
Among Brethren fisher-families in Gamrie, confession of sin is a private and pointedly interior affair. Yet, much of Brethren worship is given over to ritualised acts of confession. So whose sins do the Brethren confess? In...
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Imaging of 3-D plasmaspheric electron density using GPS to LEO satellite differential phase observations
This paper outlines a new mathematical approach to imaging the electron density distribution in the high regions of the topside ionosphere and the plasmasphere from 800 km up to 20,200 km altitude using GPS measurements from low...
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Imaging of 3-D plasmaspheric electron density using GPS to LEO satellite differential phase observations
This paper outlines a new mathematical approach to imaging the electron density distribution in the high regions of the topside ionosphere and the plasmasphere from 800 km up to 20,200 km altitude using GPS measurements from low...
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Indication of electron neutrino appearance from an accelerator-produced off-axis muon neutrino beam.
K Abe, N Abgrall, Y Ajima, H Aihara, JB Albert, C Andreopoulos, B Andrieu, S Aoki, O Araoka, J Argyriades, A Ariga, T Ariga, S Assylbekov, D Autiero, A Badertscher, M Barbi, GJ Barker, G Barr, M Bass, F Bay, S Bentham, V Berardi, BE Berger, I Bertram, M Besnier, J Beucher, D Beznosko, S Bhadra, FDMM Blaszczyk, A Blondel, C Bojechko, J Bouchez, SB Boyd, A Bravar, C Bronner, DG Brook-Roberge, N Buchanan, H Budd, D Calvet, SL Cartwright, A Carver, R Castillo, MG Catanesi, A Cazes, A Cervera, C Chavez, S Choi, G Christodoulou, J Coleman, W Coleman, G Collazuol, K Connolly, A Curioni, A Dabrowska, I Danko, R Das, GS Davies, S Davis, M Day, G De Rosa, JPAM de André, P de Perio, A Delbart, C Densham, F Di Lodovico, S Di Luise, P Dinh Tran, J Dobson, U Dore, O Drapier, F Dufour, J Dumarchez, S Dytman, M Dziewiecki, M Dziomba, S Emery, A Ereditato, L Escudero, LS Esposito, M Fechner, A Ferrero, AJ Finch, E Frank, Y Fujii, Y Fukuda, V Galymov, FC Gannaway, A Gaudin, A Gendotti, MA George, S Giffin, C Giganti, K Gilje, T Golan, M Goldhaber, JJ Gomez-Cadenas, M Gonin, N Grant, A Grant, P Gumplinger, P Guzowski, A Haesler, MD Haigh, K Hamano, C Hansen, D Hansen, T Hara, PF Harrison, B Hartfiel, M Hartz, T Haruyama, T Hasegawa, NC Hastings, S Hastings, A Hatzikoutelis, K Hayashi, Y Hayato, C Hearty, RL Helmer, R Henderson, N Higashi, J Hignight, E Hirose, J Holeczek, S Horikawa, A Hyndman, AK Ichikawa, K Ieki, M Ieva, M Iida, M Ikeda, J Ilic, J Imber, T Ishida, C Ishihara, T Ishii, SJ Ives, M Iwasaki, K Iyogi, A Izmaylov, B Jamieson, RA Johnson, KK Joo, GV Jover-Manas, CK Jung, H Kaji, T Kajita, H Kakuno, J Kameda, K Kaneyuki, D Karlen, K Kasami, I Kato, E Kearns, M Khabibullin, F Khanam, A Khotjantsev, D Kielczewska, T Kikawa, J Kim, JY Kim, SB Kim, N Kimura, B Kirby, J Kisiel, P Kitching, T Kobayashi, G Kogan, S Koike, A Konaka, LL Kormos, A Korzenev, K Koseki, Y Koshio, Y Kouzuma, K Kowalik, V Kravtsov, I Kreslo, W Kropp, H Kubo, Y Kudenko, N Kulkarni, R Kurjata, T Kutter, J Lagoda, K Laihem, M Laveder, KP Lee, PT Le, JM Levy, C Licciardi, IT Lim, T Lindner, RP Litchfield, M Litos, A Longhin, GD Lopez, PF Loverre, L Ludovici, T Lux, M Macaire, K Mahn, Y Makida, M Malek, S Manly, A Marchionni, AD Marino, J Marteau, JF Martin, T Maruyama, T Maryon, J Marzec, P Masliah, EL Mathie, C Matsumura, K Matsuoka, V Matveev, K Mavrokoridis, E Mazzucato, N McCauley, KS McFarland, C McGrew, T McLachlan, M Messina, W Metcalf, C Metelko, M Mezzetto, P Mijakowski, CA Miller, A Minamino, O Mineev, S Mine, AD Missert, G Mituka, M Miura, K Mizouchi, L Monfregola, F Moreau, B Morgan, S Moriyama, A Muir, A Murakami, M Murdoch, S Murphy, J Myslik, T Nakadaira, M Nakahata, T Nakai, K Nakajima, T Nakamoto, K Nakamura, S Nakayama, T Nakaya, D Naples, ML Navin, B Nelson, TC Nicholls, K Nishikawa, H Nishino, JA Nowak, M Noy, Y Obayashi, T Ogitsu, H Ohhata, T Okamura, K Okumura, T Okusawa, SM Oser, M Otani, RA Owen, Y Oyama, T Ozaki, MY Pac, V Palladino, V Paolone, P Paul, D Payne, GF Pearce, JD Perkin, V Pettinacci, F Pierre, E Poplawska, B Popov, M Posiadala, J-M Poutissou, R Poutissou, P Przewlocki, W Qian, JL Raaf, E Radicioni, PN Ratoff, TM Raufer, M Ravonel, M Raymond, F Retiere, A Robert, PA Rodrigues, E Rondio, JM Roney, B Rossi, S Roth, A Rubbia, D Ruterbories, S Sabouri, R Sacco, K Sakashita, F Sánchez, A Sarrat, K Sasaki, K Scholberg, J Schwehr, M Scott, DI Scully, Y Seiya, T Sekiguchi, H Sekiya, M Shibata, Y Shimizu, M Shiozawa, S Short, M Siyad, RJ Smith, M Smy, JT Sobczyk, H Sobel, M Sorel, A Stahl, P Stamoulis, J Steinmann, B Still, J Stone, C Strabel, LR Sulak, R Sulej, P Sutcliffe, A Suzuki, K Suzuki, S Suzuki, SY Suzuki, Y Suzuki, Y Suzuki, T Szeglowski, M Szeptycka, R Tacik, M Tada, S Takahashi, A Takeda, Y Takenaga, Y Takeuchi, K Tanaka, HA Tanaka, M Tanaka, MM Tanaka, N Tanimoto, K Tashiro, I Taylor, A Terashima, D Terhorst, R Terri, LF Thompson, A Thorley, W Toki, T Tomaru, Y Totsuka, C Touramanis, T Tsukamoto, M Tzanov, Y Uchida, K Ueno, A Vacheret, M Vagins, G Vasseur, T Wachala, JJ Walding, AV Waldron, CW Walter, PJ Wanderer, J Wang, MA Ward, GP Ward, D Wark, MO Wascko, A Weber, R Wendell, N West, LH Whitehead, G Wikström, RJ Wilkes, MJ Wilking, JR Wilson, RJ Wilson, T Wongjirad, S Yamada, Y Yamada, A Yamamoto, K Yamamoto, Y Yamanoi, H Yamaoka, C Yanagisawa, T Yano, S Yen, N Yershov, M Yokoyama, A Zalewska, J Zalipska, L Zambelli, K Zaremba, M Ziembicki, ED Zimmerman, M Zito, J Żmuda, T2K Collaboration
May 16, 2019
The T2K experiment observes indications of ν(μ) → ν(e) appearance in data accumulated with 1.43×10(20) protons on target. Six events pass all selection criteria at the far detector. In a three-flavor neutrino oscillation...
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Monographs of the RIMR. Vol. 22, 1927
The Pathological Findings in Four Autopsied Cases of Acromegaly with a Discussion of Their Significance by Harvey Cushing and Leo Davidoff
Fractures in the education-economy relationship

This paper undertakes a critical theoretical and empirical analysis of the traditional approach to analysing the education-economy relationship: skill bias technological change theory. It argues that while leading skill bias...

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Winthrop Partners with Galleries for Dalton Arts Initiative
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
The Dalton Downtown Arts Initiative is a yearlong schedule of programs beginning with the exhibition of "Works by Leo Twiggs" at Winthrop University and Clinton Junior College.
Published by: Winthrop University
The Views of Mental Health Manager towards the Use of a Family Work Model for Psychosis in Guangzhou, China
Family Interventions in Psychosis (FIP) have been promoted internationally but have been criticised for being based on western cultural models. This paper reports on a focus group study with 10 Integrated Mental Health Service...
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Calibration of the comprehensive NDHA-N<sub>2</sub>O dynamics model for nitrifier-enriched biomass using targeted respirometric assays
The NDHA model comprehensively describes nitrous oxide (N2O) producing pathways by both autotrophic ammonium oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria. The model was calibrated via a set of targeted extant respirometric assays using...
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A Retrospective Study of Clinical and Histopathological Features of 81 Cases of Canine Apocrine Gland Adenocarcinoma of the Anal Sac
Canine apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma (AGASAC) is a malignant tumour with variable clinical progression. The objective of this study was to use robust multivariate models, based on models employed in human medical...
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Perioperative use of intra-articular steroids during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PURPOSE: There are growing concerns with the widely used glucocorticoids during the Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic due to the associated immunosuppressive effects, which may increase the risk of COVID-19 infection...
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Contextualising Safety in Numbers
INTRODUCTION: The 'Safety in Numbers' (SiN) phenomenon refers to a decline of injury risk per time or distance exposed as use of a mode increases. It has been demonstrated for cycling using cross-sectional data, but little...
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Enhancement Of Tioconazole Ungual Delivery
This work investigated the impact of formulation including in vitro release profile, repeated dosing, and nail poration on the ex vivo nail delivery performance of antifungal formulations. Chitosan coated and uncoated...
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Control of Emission Characteristics of Perovskite Lasers through Optical Feedback
Recent progress on perovskite lasers has shown the large potential for such materials to become a basis for commercially available microlasers in the near feature. Herein, distributed feedback (DFB) lasers based on...
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Fractures in the education-economy relationship

This paper undertakes a critical theoretical and empirical analysis of the traditional approach to analysing the education-economy relationship: skill bias technological change theory. It argues that while leading skill bias...

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Genetically improved BarraCUDA.
BACKGROUND: BarraCUDA is an open source C program which uses the BWA algorithm in parallel with nVidia CUDA to align short next generation DNA sequences against a reference genome. Recently its source code was optimised using...
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Influence of Cutting Parameters on Machinability of DSS 2205 and SDSS 2507 Materials During Milling
Duplex and super duplex materials possess the properties of both Austenite and Martensitic steels. Properties like hardness and toughness are very high for duplex grades and are difficult-to-machine. In this study, machining...
Systematic bias in high-throughput sequencing data and its correction by BEADS.
Genomic sequences obtained through high-throughput sequencing are not uniformly distributed across the genome. For example, sequencing data of total genomic DNA show significant, yet unexpected enrichments on promoters and...
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Perioperative use of intra-articular steroids during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PURPOSE: There are growing concerns with the widely used glucocorticoids during the Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic due to the associated immunosuppressive effects, which may increase the risk of COVID-19 infection...
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