A critical study of the rich religious tradition surrounding Guan Yu 關羽
(Guandi 關帝 / Guangong 關公 / Lord Guan) was long overdue. Bared ter Haar’s recent book rises up to the task with commendable thoroughness, a tour de force of...
Miss Li Nei-Yu of Peiping, China, submitted an application for admission to Winthrop College for Women. Her transcripts arrived with $1400 US in postage due to the inflation in China. Rock Hill post office employees say to send...
Echo State Networks (ESNs) are a class of single-layer recurrent neural networks with randomly generated internal weights, and a single layer of tuneable outer weights, which are usually trained by regularised linear least...
Echo State Networks (ESNs) are a class of single-layer recurrent neural networks with randomly generated internal weights, and a single layer of tuneable outer weights, which are usually trained by regularised linear least...
Starting off from Makeham’s (2003) differentiation between historical meaning and scriptural meaning, Huang’s (2011) citation of coherence theories and Xu’s (2002; 2004a; 2004b) embodimental reading by rejecting Western logos...
We investigated the reciprocal relationship between individual social capital and perceived mental and physical health in the UK. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey from 1991 to 2008, we fitted cross-lagged...
We investigated the reciprocal relationship between individual social capital and perceived mental and physical health in the UK. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey from 1991 to 2008, we fitted cross-lagged...
We investigated the reciprocal relationship between individual social capital and perceived mental and physical health in the UK. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey from 1991 to 2008, we fitted cross-lagged...
We investigated the reciprocal relationship between individual social capital and perceived mental and physical health in the UK. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey from 1991 to 2008, we fitted cross-lagged...
We explain the results of Yu et al. (2015b) of the novel sharpness angle measurement to a large number of spectra obtained from the Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor. The sharpness angle is compared to the values obtained from...
We explain the results of Yu et al. (2015b) of the novel sharpness angle measurement to a large number of spectra obtained from the Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor. The sharpness angle is compared to the values obtained from...
The charge transport properties of conjugated polymers are commonly limited by the energetic disorder. Recently, several amorphous conjugated polymers with planar backbone conformations and low energetic disorder have been...
A new method of regularization of 1D and 2D NMR relaxation and diffusion experiments is proposed and a robust algorithm for its implementation is introduced. The new form of regularization, termed the Modified Total Generalized...
Based on self-built parallel and comparable corpora, this paper explores the translator's style manifested in two Chinese translations of Moment in Peking (one by Zhang Zhenyu and the other by Yu Fei). The findings demonstrate...
In this paper we deal with the degree of ill-posedness of linear operator equations Ax = y, x X, y Y, in the Hilbert space X = Y = L 2(0, 1), where A = M о J is a compact operator that may be decomposed into the simple...
Abstract: Bayesian optimisation is a sample-efficient search methodology that holds great promise for accelerating drug and materials discovery programs. A frequently-overlooked modelling consideration in Bayesian optimisation...
GMRES is one of the most popular iterative methods for the solution of large linear systems of equations that arise from the discretization of linear well-posed problems, such as boundary value problems for elliptic partial...
The rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled applications and connected automation are increasingly making sensing technologies the heart of future intelligent systems. The potential applications have...