This paper aims to produce a practical and efficient decision for the system operator to harden critical components in power systems with high wind power penetration against uncertain attacks. Thus, an adjustable robust tri-level defender-attacker-defender (ART-DAD) model is proposed to improve the resilience of power systems by hardening critical transmission lines. The proposed ART-DAD model considers both uncertain attacks and uncertain wind power output, which provides meaningful insights into the resilience improvement of power systems that involve uncertainties. More specifically, the proposed defense model integrates dynamic N-K criterion for attack budgets and the polyhedral uncertainty set for wind power output to develop resilient line hardening strategies. The proposed defense model can be formulated as a mixed integer tri-level programming problem that is decoupled into a master and sub-problem. Then, a constraint-generation based solution algorithm is proposed to solve the overall ART-DAD model with a master and sub-problem scheme. Simulation results on IEEE RTS-79 and RTS-96 systems validate the effectiveness of the proposed resilience improving strategy.