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Harrisburg University's Face Shield Response for Health Care Workers



This project was inducted into the Harrisburg University Digital Common's with a submittal event. The recording for this event can be accessed here: Harrisburg University's Face Shield Response for Health Care Workers Submittal Event Recording The pandemic has most definitely been a significant factor in how people operate throughout the past few years. The pandemic was first introduced at the end of 2019 and is still a current issue at the end of 2021. Close to the beginning of the pandemic, health care workers had found themselves with a shortage of protective gear to fight against the virus while working on the front lines. The quick spread of the virus was the main cause of the supply drain. During the most heavily needed time for supplies, the Advanced Manufacturing program at Harrisburg University took the time to support their local health care workers in the form of manufacturing and distributing face shields. The process for how this was achieved began with understanding what is being printed, the printers used throughout the production stage and project phase, assembling the face shields, the distribution of face shields, and any issues that have occurred throughout the timeframe. These five points have the potential to show the steps that were taken to provide the necessary supplies to health care workers as well as to show the struggles that were dealt with in providing the greatly needed supplies.