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Why Do Relationships Matter to Project Managers? 3 Elements to Integrate into Every Project Manager Tool-Kit



Abstract Emotional intelligence is one of the essential attributes of success in the workplace and life. It is a skill that can be learned and developed. The ability to manage emotions is also a part of it. Emotional intelligence can be taught, practiced, and mastered by anyone who wants to become a better manager. It is not just about managing your emotions but being able to manage them effectively if you want to become a better leader. One of the hallmarks of effective project leadership is building constructive relationships. Relationship building is essential because project managers do not typically have authority over the team. If projects are to be successfully completed, the project manager must rely on working with others - this requires relationships. The more complex the project, the more people want your attention. It is impossible to do justice to them all, so it is time to prioritize the list to keep your most important working relationships manageable and growing.