I have combined my love of hand lettering and illustration to create a zine., a self-made publication primarily circulated in the counter culture to distribute information quickly and affordably. Zines throughout history have covered broad topics, deemed reflective for the creator as well as the audience.?For my zine titled, Olykoek, I am creating a short recipe book with unique summer desserts. "Olykoek," translates to fried dough and is the original name given to the donut which will be the first recipe for the zine. I picked this subject because I intend to make this a biannual publication and would have a lot of options in future volumes, which is a way for me to stay connected with a project long term as well as see my growth and evolution as a designer throughout a series of work. I think it is really important in every discipline to keep evolving, so this zine is a way for me to have fun along with keeping my skill set sharp. Along with creating the content and layout for the zine, I will also be printing and collating the publication by hand. Printing and book binding have always interested me and I feel that this project is a proper way to encapsulate all of my interests in a cohesive format.