Gordon to present theory of Mayans, Incas at Ursinus Travelin' II to highlight annual Scott Pierce concert Ursinus student killed in tragic automobile mishap U.C. plans Student Union; Students make proposals Prom, Showboat spark weekend Dr. Rice, group discuss various Velikovsky ideas Editorial: We must know why Focus: Fred Steckhahn "Revolution for the hell of it" Opinion: Dealing with campus disorder Faculty portrait: Mrs. Downing Polemic, Pt. 1 Victory in Vietnam imminent; "Gentled" put-ons since 1962 Label hang-up attacked A.C. Festival Wrice talks at Ursinus Letter to the editor "Weekly" presents senior countdown "Save us" Whatley comments on security Protheatre work, "Thieves carnival" to be presented Weekly snag: Credibility gap U.S.G.A.: Fast Day success, jazz concert, Student Union Structure of antibody revealed by Edelman Festival scheduled for Parents Day Beardwood hosts ISC conference Kerr to discuss college level ed. at alumni seminar Baseball team loses 3; Two games rained out Howard's netmen win three straight Newly organized golf team captures first two matches Towson included on grid schedule PMC destroys thinclads; UC to seek revenge in May "Miss Campus Chest" is exposed; Do you sleep in the nude? debuts as Campus Chest grinds to a halt Co-ed accosted by young man known as Pete