Martin Zippin to speak at "Y" seminar on art, Feb. 26 Grundy crowned; Whitians named at annual Lorelei "Army med service" topic at pre-med meeting tonite Seniors present "Gold in the hills" March 7 and 8 Campus Chest '58 charities Ursinus photo enthusiast shows camera art in UC Library foyer Freshman women get colors at ceremonies Cub & Key Society requests outlines from junior men WSGA names May queen - J. Martin; Molitor, manager Tau Sig and Sig Rho dance held Saturday night Editorial: Art and the student Nothing new under Ur sun (us) Ode to idiots Letters to the editor Ursinus wrestlers visit Wilkes for meet, Fri. and Sat. Swimming and basketball finds belles victorious U.C. cagers downed again; PMC & Swarthmore victors Matmen trounce PMC; Record now 5 wins, one loss Sophomores elect Drummond and Watson to MSGA