Dramatic arts emphasized during month of March: Ballet, theatre, motion picture Wednesday Forum provides enjoyable evening of ballet "No exit" proves cultural exchange with Beaver "Jesus, a clown?" Y's controversial art film asks Senior prom to be "Polynesian paradise": Cub and Key, perm. class officers, lord and lady to be named Debating team gives excellent showing in match Saturday's movie is "The list of Adrian Messinger" PSEA addressed by Miss Kelley Curtain Club's 2 one acts round out prom weekend Political science "players" portray Un-American Activities Committee hearing Editorial: Cultural exchange "Some students couldn't afford Ursinus except for self-help jobs" - Mr. Wentz: One-fourth of campus gets indirect aid from College; Campus "ugly" job: No rest or joy for bell ringer!; Waiters profess mixed feelings; Kamela fights UC litterbugs; Tour guides: "Ursinus experts"; Tony unloads college linen; Proctor: Lawyer, arbiter, friend; Carolyn dodges over-cut frosh; Operator needs "some training"; Librarian enjoys "sadistic fun"; Blame D'Achille for car tickets; Guistwite gets choice of jobs! Swim team ends season proud of 5-2 record Intramural corner Krum named captain at b'ball banquet: Troster cited as MVP Greek gleanings