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The Ursinus Weekly, January 14, 1963

Published by: Ursinus College


Exam period begins Thursday as semester draws to a close Psychology Club hears speaker from Graterford Collegeville plans new street lights along Main Street Third student concert scheduled next Monday Record enrollment in Evening School Student teachers tell experiences at PSEA meeting Weekly laments lack of newsworthy events Race for space topic of speaker Bible Study fellowship to sponsor color film Ursinus receives $12,500 grant from Phila. church Dean Rothenberger guest speaker at Lions banquet Freedom urged by Dolman at conference "Jazz and the white American" topic of introductory program on jazz Alumni may pass fund drive goal Curriculum changes discussed in chemistry and economics Editorial: Throwing stones from glass houses Letters to the editor Familiar concentration camp image looms forbiddingly even today Production story of the Weekly Dean Rothenberger offers advice on how to study for final exams Father's interest in politics led Pancoast to same field Greek gleanings Cagers edge PMC cadets 51-50, then lose to Swarthmore 70-61 Ability and poise mark Troster Ken Dean shines in mat displays Soccermen earn MAC honors Wrestlers tie Swarthmore 14-14, stun Albright in 19-8 victory Intramural story Athletic letters given for soccer & football