Burst water pipes in 724 lead to semi-evacuation Speaker from GE will discuss US in space race PSEA features talks by grad, student teachers Ed Myers selected representative to National Committee for Youth College laments death of director Douthett Psychiatry topic of pre-med meeting Dolman attends forum on education problems New heating & power plant now in service Cub & Key, men's honorary, now accepting applications Curtain Club version of "Antigone" scheduled for second semester Dr. Vorrath concludes discussion of changes in Spanish courses Schweiker talks on GOP future Leber open house a Christmas highlight Chessmen compete in national event Lynne Maloney, Miss Penna. '61, wed last month Editorial: Unjust, unfair, unwise Letters to the editor Snyder to train Civil Defense people Wrestlers open season Saturday by smashing scared Fords 31-3 Ursinus gridmen named to MAC all-star teams Netmen downed by Haverford 72-56 Intramural story Ursinus women's club honors Marion Spangler