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The Ursinus Weekly, January 13, 1958

Published by: Ursinus College


Faculty, students get together for "fireside chats" European views of Americans told at IRC meeting "Lantern" contest offers prizes to writers and artists "Satellites" topic at chem meeting tonight in S-12 Library receives 400 dollar grant Lorelei discussed, proctors named at MSGA meeting Student teachers' tales amuse SEAP meeting Picasso exhibition opens at Philadelphia art museum Tranquilizers subject of pre-med meeting, Jan. 8 Podolak captains color guard Sig Nu & Delta Pi to hold "final fling" January 18 Editorial: It's our move now Trim the wick and brighten the Lantern Prize poems Picasso: Biography Valentine Day opener set for girls' badminton team Girls' basketball opener set for Feb. 12 with G'burg UC grapplers beat Haverford 19-13 in season's opener Varsity cagers lose; J.V.s beat Swarthmore, Haverford Bears scalped by Indians 81-69 in year-end game Beta Sig mardi gras held Frosh give dance: "Beneath the sea" Many fields included in new library accessions