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The Ursinus Weekly, April 14, 1952

Published by: Ursinus College


MSGA plans for evaluation of professors Alumni to hear Dr. Furbay speak Language table meets Sophs, freshmen draw up petitions; Deadline April 16 Plans made to stop cheating Library acquires new books Operetta "Sari" scheduled for this weekend Cultural Olympics rate play highly French Club entertained Jean Shepherd speaks at annual Weekly banquet: KYW disc jockey presents radio difficulties, problems Heads named for YMCA Late permissions discussed in WSGA meeting Eight members to represent Pi Gamma Mu at Albright IRC hears Ulbricht German Club to hold hunt Editorials: The "passive" student; Truman's steel seizure wrong Dean of Men leads busy life Bruin team drops opener by last inning Ford rally Ed Dawkins wins in Olympic tryout Bob Swett elected captain Former Ursinus star honored Vermont's new citizens