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The Ursinus Weekly, November 13, 1950

Published by: Ursinus College


Fraternities fete, bid men during week of rushing First movies of year, Little Men, Great Guns, to be shown on Friday Debaters to oppose Swarthmore varsity "Lantern" asks students for Fall issue material Herbsleb to address IRC Tuesday on international law topic Chi Alpha to meet Tuesday 51'ers assume commercial name Smith tells Forum of status of Britain in trade, economy "Ruby" launches campaigns for photography and selling Student authored, produced "Dusty Halo" receives plaudits YM-YW conducts WSSF and toy-clothing drives Harris stresses need of developing maturity in religious matters Dorm at 724 Main wins spirit trophy Sophs to send gift to injured classmate Big Sisters hold party Editorials: Case against apathy; Challenge to our intellect Class idiosyncrasies bared Scribe pens WSGA notes Drum majorettes use many maneuvers, combine long experience and ingenuity Committee heads announced for Curtain Club Fall production MSGA to cut mealtime announcements, substitute rebuilt outdoor bulletin board Newman Club holds banquet Beaver falls 3-2 to hockey squad; Boyd paces team Jay-Vees triumph 6-1 over Beaver JV squad Bruins to oppose Crusaders eleven at Selinsgrove Grizzlies bow 3-0 to Lehigh booters Undefeated Derr cops intramural grid title Panthers build early lead to conquer Bruins 13-6 St. Joseph's takes cross-country meet Cheer and comfort for the weary, tale of mid-semester's evil birth "Weekly" sports poll reveals majority wants powerhouse intercollegiate team