
Loyalty Fund Phon-a-thon, Successful Parsons Re-elected VP of Historical Society Nagy's Stellar Lecture McQuaid Presents Views on Candidates Letters to the Editor: Fraternities Help to Combat Apathy; "Bubble World"; UC Social Life Needs Help; Pledging Not Destructive; Pledging Enhances Development; To Ban Pledging not a Positive Aspect; In Memory of Zeta Chi; Pledging to Expand Socially Patrol Pattern Changed, Woman is Assaulted The Limerick Syndrome: What Would UC do? Mardi Gras Ball Declared Success Changing Picture of Health in '80's Ride for Your Life! Two Views on the Bussing Situation Women's Tennis Splits in Opening Matches Softball Undefeated at 6-0 Tennis Team Nets Two Victories Denning Captures Fencing Title Strizke, Rosenberg Qualify for Gymnastics Championship Men's Track Kicks off '84 Season Men's Lacrosse Thumps Bloomsburg Hot Hitting Leads Bears Batsmen to Victories Baseball Team Raises Record to 6-3 Women's Track Promising