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The Ursinus Weekly, October 17, 1949

Published by: Ursinus College


Millers contribute two chapters to volume in honor of Blakeslee Bears seek victory over Garnet eleven in traditional fray Soccer team drops season opener 4-0 to Castle Pointers Booters select Peterson; Frick leads coed squad Dickinson runs wild in easy 35-0 triumph Curtis tops league in campus football; Ping pong to start Gurzynski discloses cross-country slate Popular pair views life south of the Rio Grande Verve and style of '51ers maintain famed tradition of Glenwood quartet Freshmen elect George Ott president Frosh cuties massacre burlesque Students hold rites for departed spirit Actors' club slates Shaw's "Pygmalion" Seniors name date for annual dance Speaker prescribes change in policies for U.S. with Asia Penn prexy will address Founders' Day audience Observatory proves valuable addition to science building Y cabinet schedules Green Lane retreat for this week-end Chairman explains current regulations to campus leaders Ruby editors announce selection of staff heads for '50 edition Literary publication adds five editors to masthead Sororities prepare for rushing; Sophs to receive bids Friday