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The Ursinus Weekly, November 16, 1942

Published by: Ursinus College


Vespers speaker tells students of Christian anchors Old timers watch bears lose 12-0 to Gettysburg in final game of year Wednesday forum to hear executive of "France Forever" Former IRC prexy speaks on France Pearson explains pre-meds' status Lentz tells brotherhood of a minister's problems Ensign Herrmann tells of training in WAVES Annual senior ball to feature music of Gordon's band Wiley and Downs outline women debaters' plans Speaker tells French Club of war hardships in France Beardwood Society to hear talk on tanning of leather Hopkins will review book for English Club tonight Giants wallop Redskins 32-0 Girls upset Temple 3-1; Bears hold Bullets 12-0 Coeds tally twice in the initial period and clean up Temple hockey team 3-1 Booters take 3-1 tilt from Lafayette Friday for first win of season Giants win opener 7-0 against plucky bears Redskins and Packers play to scoreless tie Varsity registers 1-0 win over alumni soccer squad Lassies take 3-1 decision from Swarthmore eleven Campus dance band to make first appearance this week