Pro and con Shall we dance? Two secretaries, not one Association's constitution Ursinus, too President's page Harry Brian made vice president of advertising firm Bartholomew accepts post at Lancaster seminary Richard Yahraes writes from Berlin Alex Lipkin on mission to Liberia for State Department John Rauhauser stars in "The Late George Apley" 21 candidates run for alumni offices Old Timers' Day to coincide with F&M game in October Alumni constitution amendments proposed Alumni Day, June 4, to feature supper club Robert Titus new member of Board of Directors Ursinus Women's Club entertains senior women Class chairmen heading memorial scholarship drive News about town Junior class sponsors "supper club" Sturgis aids school law committee Sports review: Two champions spark stellar wrestling squad; Jaffe wins honors as courtmen end poor season; Grizzly nine faces 14-game schedule; Former Haverford athlete named 1949 tennis coach; Coed cagers close season with 9-1 record; Coed swimming team wins two, loses five; Penn relays highlight nine-meet track schedule Ursinus director serves community with camera News about ourselves Necrology