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The Ursinus Weekly, February 5, 1945

Published by: Ursinus College


Banquet, ball top memories of past for record crowd Sororities adopt rules regulating rush season Dramatic group to present "Night Must Fall"; Florence Cherry, Warren Jenkins are leads Y holds retreat to plan activities College board reveals changes in calendar WSGA open "big business" at games Rev. Adams addresses college church groups YMCA elects Chiaravalloti to head campus organizations Lombardo to feature new sentimental song Miss Snell is on advisory board for health pamphlet in library What will be the future of foreign trade? Coeds convert losing halftime score to 24-23 win over women marines, here Wrestlers, basketeers defeat Swarthmore teams Wednesday Lafayette swamps bears, 61-39, in contest at Easton Saturday Post-war draft is discussion topic for entire nation Canterbury Club sponsors informal dance at meeting Early birds organize Sunday breakfast club Dr. McClure to speak at Hood Chaplain is guest speaker Lutherans hear Rev. Schantz