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The Ursinus Weekly, May 7, 1945

Published by: Ursinus College


Victory in Europe is announced Peggy Hudson chosen queen to reign at pageant, May 26 Helen McKee crowned queen of junior dance mid Central Park theme Over 600 students and faculty gather for service of worship and thanksgiving Room deposits must be made prior to May room drawings Chaplain talks on returned veterans Players are announced for May Day pageant Bond sales total one-eighth of goal Editor announces last Ruby pictures Gladys Howard directs second group in play Elliot Lawrence's band to play for Navy ball Saturday, June 2 Norristown octave club to sing at AAUW meeting Wednesday N. T. Twitzelitch studies word origin to find meaning of popular mushbox Raving reporter attends mess meeting to plan Will Shakespeare show Fake letter to Weekly misrepresents graduate, who writes true facts IRC member asks question: Is Hitler really dead? Bears ring up second baseball win; Jack Connell pitches against F. and M. Girls whip Beaver, 28-7 to continue undefeated record of softball team Ursinus track men take second place in nine-college Middle Atlantic meet Coeds are seeded in tennis matches Unit announces committees for Red Cross work York area alumni hold annual dinner April 28 Committees named for "Royal Family" Dr. M. J. Oppenheimer to address pre-med society Tuesday night Bramall, tennis pro, to address physical-ed majors tonight