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The Ursinus Weekly, November 14, 1949

Published by: Ursinus College


World traveller extends request for WSSF funds Y group toy, clothing drive to start next week Nola Luxford gives pattern for peace in forum address Two experienced Englishmen to present top-notch production of Shaw's satire Students to present career conference at Collegeville-Trappe High School WSGA begins plans for annual party; Names dorm group Choral group sings at church concert Frosh customs problem looms again Sports, barn dance occupy coming weekend schedule Reception committee plans functions for coming year Big sisters sponsor party for charges in rec center Editorial: Recent elections Students participate in cheers, dancing at week-end events Human alarm clock tolls bells for fellow students Dr. McClure to be Scot society's head Teaching seniors endure two months of torment Headwaiters direct organized system for campus meals Law dean to speak at pre-legal dinner tomorrow evening Bears drop sixth 3-0 to Lafayette booters Women to launch intramural hockey Hockey squad downs Penn 4-0, Beaver 4-2 Bakermen bow 8-0 to powerful attack of Lehigh booters PMC thumps bruins 54-7 as Caia sets cadet pace Crusaders to visit bruins on Saturday for season's finale Harriers lose out at Allentown meet for running honors