Authority to speak on Russian affairs on Wednesday nite Weekend of March 28 to offer full schedule of entertainment Sororities accept 21 bids during rushing week J. Ulmer cast as Mr. Whiteside in spring dramatic production Contest opens for Fogel essay prize Pre-meds schedule roentgenologist as speaker on Mar. 25 Rehearsals begin for operetta cast of veteran singers Ursinus to attend model UN session for local colleges St. Patty's Day dance sponsored by French students tonight Ruby to sponsor basketball game between men and women Freshmen debate Norristown High Reporter uncovers facts concerning life of Ireland's beloved St. Patrick Legal society offers opportunity to gain knowledge of profession George Allen scheduled to speak to German Club Tuesday night Student council presidents head Red Cross campaign at Ursinus Advice to coeds: turn your dreams into a May pageant Minstrel show planned by WAA as benefit to finance athletic teams Jayvees drop 21-17 decision to coeds from Chestnut Hill A hundred hopefuls to seek varsity baseball, track berths as coaches summon candidates for initial spring practices 60 baseballers accept new coaches' call to '47 diamond activity Gurzynski is greeted by record turnout in first coaching task Varsity bows to Chestnut Hill, 37-35, in close encounter Over 200 attend varied activities of religious program