Dr. Philip Hitti to discuss Arab, Moslem world at forum Betty Conlin chosen to reign as queen over traditional pageant, May 25 College to offer semester credit in 8 week course Don Brownlow to play at sophs' Easter ball on Saturday evening Chorus rehearses for operetta as performance nears Lantern editorial board elects four new members to staff New students receive "Red, old gold, black" in Color Day ceremony Representatives attend intercollegiate meeting held as model Congress Nick Mancini engaged to play at prom May 4 Delegates attend model UNO held at Lafayette College Sororities rush upperclassmen Henry Haines presents benefit musical show Where is our flag? Jane Brusch elected captain of '46-'47 basketball team Dick Duden's home run clinches victory for Annapolis as bears open season Ursinus alumnae lose league championship to Ford-Kendig, 50-48 Bears place 3 men on all-league team Softball season opens with nine veterans Freeland-Day tie Brodbeck in interdorm basketball league "Ursinus before 1870 and after" reviewed at English Club meeting by Dr. Yost WSSF contributions total $585 as drive ends short of goal Alumnae serves as Red Cross worker Debater discuss 'free trade' with Syracuse women Y to sponsor Easter musical