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The Ursinus Weekly, October 28, 1940

Published by: Ursinus College


Senator J. A. Ellender holds Willkie temperamentally unfit for president Importance of 'but' told by vespers talk Connor calls news staff to plan for Jr. paper Republican rally to hear Davis tomorrow evening Rev. Mr. Faye '24, to speak on problems of college students Prof. Mauchly gives lecture at conference of physicists Hoosier prophet ventures vote prognostication Get a mask for Friday! Results of Berlin-Tokyo axis discussed in IRC panel talks Meistersingers to sing at Collegeville-Trappe assembly "Minutes before, Huey and I were talking..." Campaigning with Yehudi! Mules' offensive attack swamps bears by 15-6 Allison leads 'Fords against bakermen, 3-0 Rootin' tootin' bout slated, Nov. 5, Sam's arena Ursinus hockeyites blank Rosemont Baker is optimistic on soccer future English Club admits seven; discusses books for review Joyce Ward reports plans of women's archery practice 'Big sisters' treat freshmen and co-ed transfers at movie Pre-legals fingerprinted; hear of scientific detection