Capacity audience hears third annual presentation of 'Messiah' Christmas play given for vespers program Parties, communion service to climax Christmas week here Dr. Miller tells IRC-Haines meeting of Japan's aim at world domination Medical films will be shown pre-med soc. McClures entertain women this evening and tomorrow Varied colors, fabrics shown by Dr. Bertolet Historian edits adventures of the polished apple Fifteen football and eleven soccer U's awarded for fall sports season Bears scrimmage Penn, Temple in tests of strength Snell watches hopefuls in pre-season drills 26 grunt, groan as wrestlers prim Kellett holds practices for large frosh squad Look ahead to December 25 Registrar learns ACE freshmen test results New Rosicrucians meet with permanent group Women debate Temple and Penn State on hemisphere union 'Christmas week at Ursinus' is theme of manuscript group Jane Vink to review poems of Hauseman at English Club Ursinus co-eds speak at Women's Club tea Men's debate admits two!