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The Ursinus Weekly, May 3, 1937

Published by: Ursinus College


300 sub-freshmen see Ursinus at open house Present room drawing system to be scrapped May 21 is set as tentative date for annual May hop McClure announces Rev. J. H. Brumbaugh as 67th commencement exercises speaker WSGA electees take office in annual co-ed ceremony Class day program is set ; rehearsals to start soon College to use off-campus men's dormitory next year Musical organizations present classical and modern program Vespers has music theme Ruby to appear May 15; Dr. McClure's opening address included in annual Ursinus moves up scholastic ladder, according to freshmen psych exams Frosh co-eds pick posies to honor senior sisters Frosh enrollment doubles last year's of same date Bears tie Bucknell in called encounter High school trackmen lower 3 field marks