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The Ursinus Weekly, May 13, 1940

Published by: Ursinus College


Walter D. Fuller to deliver commencement address at exercises to be held on June 3 Tulip time is motif of hop decorations Successful pageant marks May Day Masculine May queen to rule over pageant Mrs. Barnard talks at Mothers' Day vespers Council on student activities elects Louise Kern '41, sec. Wood heads hist-soc. group Registrar's office announces open scholarship winners Miss Spangler's students present Gluck's "Orpheus" Curtain Club scores with Kaufman-Hart play Women's rules changed "Y" doggie roast Friday! YM-YW plan activities for next year as 75 attend Arcola retreat last Sunday Annual banquet of New York grads held at Hotel Pierrepont Pre-Legalites hold election; choose Showalter president Language clubs picnic Dr. Calvin D. Yost speaks at meeting of Philadelphia alumni Beardwood Chemical Society to hear lecture on quartz Spring operetta, 'Firefly', to present first guest artist, miss Louise Julia Five juniors elected to write constitution for new society May Clark to review book at final English Club meeting Clawson at Episcopal meeting Bears trip Muhlenberg to hold lead in league; beaten by Wildcats, Thurs. William and Mary tip brings 5-0 "U" sweep Track squad bows in St. Joe's meet Jayvees take Hill Schoolers by 6-5 score on Wednesday Netmen win first match by 5-4 score over Main Liners Cricketmen remain undefeated in easy win over Haverford Johnson named head as Varsity Club dines Seven-hole golf course built behind Curtis by N.Y.A. men Mr. O Stonorov to lecture on 18th century art tonight