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The Ursinus Weekly, October 7, 1935

Published by: Ursinus College


"Hay Fever" to be staged October 26 Bruce Bell chosen for council dance Ursinus bears drop second game to Bucknell Bisons at Lewisburg stadium, Friday night Grizzlies open home season with LaSalle Four Ursinus delegates attend debate confab Camp Fire head to speak to co-eds in Bomberger Grizzly gridder on sale to students Friday night Pitt to be host to INA; Nov. 15, 16 convention date Subscription drive is begun for Ruby with reduced price Dr. Price reads paper at state medical meet Stan Omwake issues call for frosh hill-and-dalers Dr. Lentz gives vesper talk; October speakers released YW-YMCA groups hear Rev. A. W. Sayres in chapel Students invited to submit original works for Lantern Glee Club elects Stoudt; to offer combined chorus W.A.A. holds scavenger hunt at first meet of school year Professor Philip speaks at first Music Club meet Girard downs bear booters in opening game of season