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The Ursinus Weekly, November 28, 1938

Published by: Ursinus College


Marionette troupe will perform twice Weekly gets third in editorial contest Philip announces "Messiah" artists F.B.I. assistant will speak this Wednesday Ursinus and Lehigh to debate on Pi Kappa Delta topic Friday Sheeders, Mrs. Shelley attend conferences during holidays Dr. Lewis Scheffey to speak before Anders pre-med society December 9 and 10 will bring Keating and comedy; Byron, Harbaugh in play Celebrated harpist presents combined concert and discussion on instrument Tuesday night Mr. Michael addresses Rotary Club Wednesday on education Far East fund drive to start next week Mrs. Tower to be patroness for Cornell musicale December 27 Legal graduates form new alumni association Women's Club to dine Saturday in Philadelphia Ursinus frosh show averages above norm of liberal arts colleges in cooperative tests Pre-medical aptitude test to be given this Friday Bears end victoryless campaign as Franklin and Marshall wins final 40-2 Courtmen prepare for coming battles First frosh drill next Monday