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The Ursinus Weekly, November 1, 1937

Published by: Ursinus College


Graterford Pen to be toured by Y's Student councils to present maestro Johnny Williams, Gottschall announces Seniors to present American comedy December 4 Editorial: Plea for better cheering Three sporting events, dance, and receptions feature Old Timer's Day Alumni head declines office in letter Students hear Robert Frost at Haverford Sorority to sponsor art exhibit of watercolors Ursinus Woman's Club has executive meeting Frosh set frosh precedent with hayride plans Father of Pancoast to speak at group meeting Group to see Shubert show at Forrest Theatre Sororities to rush this week Drexel Dragons hand bears second league defeat Penn blasted 4-0, hockey team wins again Temple stopped by undefeated soccermen F. and M. won only 1 of last 7 meets Wallick wins this week! You can win next week!! Alumna writer to speak to club Meet in dormitory under new system Lees and Benscoter are IRC speakers