Fighting grizzlies upset Penn, 7-6 Debate conference selects question Kirby Page places hope in socialism Jack Delmar to play at old timers' dance High standing shown by freshman tests Three discussion groups to be held for freshmen Photographs for 1935 Ruby to be taken this week as listed W.A.A. to meet Wednesday to award sports letters Tickets to be 40 cents I.R.C. to discuss Austrian affairs at meeting Tuesday Profits and labor's standard of living Student activities council announces meeting hours Women debaters plan for future faculty combats Council approves December dates for senior week-end Hall Chemical Society plans for coming year List of frat. members released to aid freshmen Initial Music Club meet discusses visit to operas Fraternity council holds first meeting of college year Faculty group makes few changes in organization Dr. Gobel speaks on habit as opposed to reality Rhodes scholarship candidates must confer with Dr. Clawson English Club to receive eight additional members Math group to meet Y's cast unanimous vote for Christian movement Rousing cheers for Ursinus inspire flaming torch parade Student council firm in enforcing freshman rules Coeds open hockey season by 4-1 loss to Bryn Mawr Vital contributors to bears' victory Intramural football schedule gets under way this week Soccer team opens schedule by tying Girard College 6-6 Frosh cubs scrimmage for first game on October 19