Coeds to be hosts to men at Lorelei Glassmoyer voted 1936 Ruby editor Basketeers drop overtime tilts R. C. Johnson releases spring sport schedules Sororities to extend bids Friday at noon Frosh elect new president Men's council amendments approved at faculty meet Central nominating committee to choose May Day characters Lincoln and Ursinus debaters to clash on medicine question I.R.C. to hear discussion on current world topics Music Club meet featured by Glee Club selections Women debaters to argue Drexel coeds in dual meet English Club meets tonight Chemists to meet tonight Bear grunt and groaners beat Johns Hopkins team Freshmen lose to Drexel as last half rally fails Coeds lose close tussle to Bryn Mawr basketeers Day students and Curtis share dorm league lead Haverford grapplers take grizzlies into camp 18-16 Rabbi Barnett to address "Y" meeting Tuesday night Glee Club to take first trip in eight years next week-end To choose band and play for junior week-end soon Forty men extended bids at close of rushing week Freshman debaters clash on democracy proposition Mules take first place in basketball conference