Juniors to present prom and comedy Ursinus to engage in transition study Monod discusses French problems Yearbook to appear on campus Wednesday Alumni groups to meet during first week in May Motion picture machine to be demonstrated Ursinus Weekly student questionnaire Recent Music Club meeting presents varied program Russia's new five year plan to be discussed by IRC Women debaters close season with Stroudsburg Sabbath School Association to hold annual convention Club to discuss plays Polly Pomeroy speaks on department store work Brotherhood deputation team conducts services Rev. Kratz to give talk at Brotherhood banquet Women debaters meet Christian associations enact pageant episodes Regular rehearsals begun for gala pageant on May 12 Alumni banquet to be held at Harrisburg on May 4 Fred E. Foertsch addresses men's faculty club meeting Sorority conducts vespers Ursinus nine opens season by beating Swarthmore and losing to Villanova Tennis team holds initial combat against St. Joseph Girl basketeers given awards at annual banquet last week Freshman hurlers to open season Tues. afternoon Brodbeck, Derr and Curtis undefeated in dorm contest Co-eds begin class baseball