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The Ursinus Weekly, December 2, 1929

Published by: Ursinus College


Directors hold their annual fall meeting Women's Debating Club meets at Maples Monday Dr. Titus A. Alspach '07 delivers chapel sermon Men's student council tries many freshmen Albright beats bears in last game of season 18-0 Y.M.C.A. holds second pep smoker for team Girls down Drexel by 3-2 score in last game Vocal recital given by college music students Rapid progress is being made on Schaff play Advance registrations for next year are large Engagement of Margaret A. Johnson is announced Large group of students to hear "Faust" Thursday Girls' hockey team ends very successful season Physics journal club is organized by students Board of Control plans Christmas entertainment Dramatic Club decides to have more programs English group presents new fiction to library Sophs and frosh to hold annual gridiron battle