Bears upset F. & M., old rivals, 6-0 Changes in rushing rules made operative by council Ursinus represented at Dickinson's celebration Cross country runners lose to F. & M., 22-33 Ursinus host to YMCA at district conference I.N.A. convention will meet at Johns-Hopkins Drexel eleven will be bear foe this Saturday Prof. Brownback addresses YM on religion-science Fourth straight win for Ursinus hockey team Harriers to open home season against Temple Y.W.C.A. and W.S.G.A. to sponsor mass meeting Musical takes place of big-little sister party Fraternity holds banquet Women's debating club stages humorous debate Men debaters may organize four teams Interesting freshman discussion group meetings Rev. Lentz speaks at F. and M. pep meeting Hall Chemical Society hears lecture on making pig iron International Relations Club plans armistice day program All Ruby proofs are to be returned this week Ursinus leads in F. & M. series