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The Ursinus Weekly, April 16, 1934

Published by: Ursinus College


Noted theologian to speak here Happy Felton agrees to furnish music for colorful junior promenade on April 27 Joint "Y" pageant to be presented Junior advisory council to present Polly Pomeroy Tau Kappa Alpha to hold initiation of new members Dale Gramley talks at Weekly staff banquet I.R.C. hears address on Hitlerism by Dr. N. W. Rubin Dr. J. C. Funk lectures on medical care of cancer New "Y" cabinets installed at candlelight service Program of songs and poems presented by French Club Liquid air demonstration given in science building Women debaters lose to Cedar Crest on NIRA Pres. Omwake resumes tasks Elect members to WSGA Band to be given awards Rev. W. A. Kratz to speak at annual Brotherhood banquet Knudsen and Hunter to head Demas and Zeta Chi frats Music Club to meet Reviews of modern novels are given by English Club Baseball team set for opening fray on Wednesday Derr Hall takes lead in dorm baseball circuit Seniors or sophs favored to win inter-class meet GIrls' varsity basketball team to banquet tonight Glee Club gives programs