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The Ursinus Weekly, March 3, 1930

Published by: Ursinus College


Large audience enjoys Oregon plan of debate Second number of entertainment course Baseball schedule announced for 1930 season Recording orchestra to feature senior ball Biology Club hears papers and elects term officers Varsity sextette wins two games and loses one Bears win final contest on home court, Saturday 1930 Ruby to make its appearance this week Ursinus debaters lose close decision to Lehigh Juniors announce prom and play committees Wrestling team loses final meet to Lafayette Class of 1928 holds first reunion at Spring Mountain Sophomores elect officers Senior follies star many novelty numbers Illustrated lecture features joint "Y" meeting Debate emergence of women from the home Dramatic Club holds its regular meeting Dean White entertains at tea on Saturday Palestine question topic for three sided debate President Omwake honored Physics Club gives interesting program Independents increase lead with third victory Alpha Phi Epsilon pledges initiated Tau Sigma Gamma pledges eight members Sigma Upsilon sorority entertains at tea Dramatic Club presents sketches Friday night Classics and modernism presented to Music Club