Founders' Day planned for February 19th "Wally" Spotts' orchestra for Lorelei dance Donald Rose speaks on subject of journalism Men's debating team makes debut Thursday Grizzly courtmen win from Swarthmore 20-19 Sir Philip Ben Greet presents "Macbeth" Dean W. A. Kline speaks to history students Seniors elect Fraternity pledges Girls' basketball team wins initial game Officials stake site for science building Frosh elect listener Miss Iola Moore speaks on library work Wrestlers lose to Penn and Brooklyn Polytech Student Council dance List of sorority women Editorial comment: Penn's athletic policy Vocal students hold first critic class Rules and regulations of the Inter-sorority Council Inspiring talk features YWCA meeting English Club meets Men's Glee Club at Philadelphia Wrestling team to meet Haverford at home Valley Forge cadets down Grizzly cubs