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The Ursinus Weekly, February 16, 1931

Published by: Ursinus College


Girls hold annual Lorelei dance Friday Junior elections postponed until Wednesday Larry Gould to lecture in Collegeville Tuesday Philadelphia alumni plan annual banquet Ursinus basketeers win two games, lose one Ursinus enters new basketball league Christian associations conduct installation Men's Student Council holds regular session Drama class to re-enact "Everyman" Men's debating team loses to Elizabethtown Ursinus girls swamp Albright co-eds Conference reports feature YMCA meeting Inter-fraternity basketball series begins tonight Women debaters split with Elizabethtown Sando presides over music club meeting Tau Sigma Gamma holds rushing party Editorial comment: A boost for basketball YWCA meeting Men debaters stage trial debate Valley Forge Military Academy scores second from bear cubs Freshmen exercises scheduled for Founders' Day Lynnewood girls conduct vesper services Announce chapel favorites