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The Ursinus Weekly, November 18, 1929

Published by: Ursinus College


String ensemble presents first concert Tuesday Young to captain baseball: Davies elected manager Dramatic Club presents two one-act plays Friday Hockey team breaks even in two contests Frosh held to scoreless tie by Wenonah cadets Swarthmore noses out grizzlies in thrilling contest by 7-6 score Thanksgiving theme features council dance Sophs defeat juniors in interclass hockey Glenside Club dines at college Saturday Old timers' dinner held after Swarthmore game Freshman girls guests at Women's Club tea Women's dorm committee to present movie Friday Literary Club meets at South Hall Thursday Women's Glee Club is preparing a cantata Forensic club debates Kellogg Peace Pact Thompson and Kuebler pick 1931 Ruby aides Dean Kline talks at joint "Y" meeting Servicemen conduct Armistice Day service Pep meeting Social life committee will sponsor new dances Mother save your child!