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The Ursinus Weekly, March 16, 1931

Published by: Ursinus College


Dr. Sasao of Japan addresses students "Reaping the Whirlwind" given by Trinity Church Oregon plan features debate with Juniata Coeds register eighth win at Cedar Crest Alumni groups hold annual gatherings Biology Club to show dental research film Eight men win laurels in intra-mural wrestling Girls varsity debates University of Maryland Sophomores win annual basketball game 27-42 Ray Coble elected 1931 baseball pilot Men's Glee Club sings Tickets for "The Dover Road" on sale Tuesday The Parodians, a feature of the St. Patrick's dance Recent drama topic at English Club meeting Men students conduct church service Sunday Statistical study of alumni occupations Ernest Ackley speaks on foreign missions Music Club meeting Vespers Sunday in charge of Maples Freshmen girls' debate