West Chester choir sings at vespers Does Ursinus have adequate parking facilities? Candlelight Communion to be held Dec. 9 in Bomberger Improper procedure key in MSGA trial Rosicrucians add members at after-dinner dessert Dr. Dugger speaks, shows slides to pre-medical group Christmas to visit UC in many forms Beta Sig presents Bill Haley on Jan. 7 Charles Hudnut wins award in national poetry contest Seniors hold prom; Elect lord and lady 300 attend seventeenth annual Messiah performance Chesterfield holds contest "Home for the holidays" Dr. Oliver Gogarty discusses poets Band practicing for May Day; Marches at basketball games Editorials Test of time Matmen boast 7 lettermen; Two MAC champions return Gridmen elect Neborak MVP, 1955 captain Heller, Bauser All Philadelphia 3rd hockey team Susquehanna, Nat. Aggies bow; Juniata mars record by 78-56 Westerhoff's proposed revisions passed by MSGA