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The Ursinus Weekly, April 19, 1926

Published by: Ursinus College


Bomberger scene of excellent concert by string quartet Dr. E. B. White represents Ursinus at history conference Curtain Club presents Coen's "In the Morgue" in Zwing Hall Varsity baseball team defeated by Lehigh by score of 11-3 Philadelphia alumni chapter holds banquet in Adelphia Hotel Gym exhibition in field cage proves auspicious event Dr. Joseph Fort Newton to address student body Women's affirmative debating team defeats Elizabethtown Men's Glee Club renders concert in Philadelphia Tennis team opens season with Haverford Mink holds Pennington to two hits as J.V.'s win, 9-2 Editorial comment: The American press Dorothy Gross elected YW head President Omwake speaks at Milton Biology classes travel to Philadelphia Bears to meet F. & M. next Dean White to take part in sesqui-centennial