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The Ursinus Weekly, May 22, 1933

Published by: Ursinus College


Dr. John R. Murlin will speak at graduation Council representatives chosen by men students Grizzlies lose return game to Villanova Athletic club to meet Trackmen lose final dual track meet to St. Joseph's Beethoven's "Mass in D" to be presented as oratorio Complete program planned for commencement week Grizzlies take fifth place in annual conference meet Ursinus educators plan summer trip to Europe Keen competition for new students among colleges Senior girls to be guests of Woman's Club at dinner Ursinus Woman's Club will give tea for senior girls Attention 1933 alumni Last Weekly on June 5 Y.W. president will attend camp Seniors plant class tree Public speaking class has banquet at Franklin House New members and officers selected by Debating Club Y.W.C.A. holds council fire for freshmen and seniors Parunak secures position in Bridgeport high school Irving Sutin selected to head men's Debating Club Faculty will hold picnic Girl's tennis team meets defeat at Beaver College Dr. Philip H. Goepp will sponsor student recital International Relations Club hears Yen Lee and elects officers Dean W. A. Kline honored at men's faculty club dinner Dr. James Anders to speak at Schwenkfeldian meeting Election of officers held at Curtain Club meeting Revision of women's rules at WSGA mass meeting College plates with scenes of campus will be on sale English group elections Dr. Uphaus lectures and holds student conferences Seniors conduct worship program at vesper service Ursinus cubs defeated by Villanova freshmen Grizzly nine drops game to Eastern Pen by 4-3 score