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miR-322-5p targets IGF-1 and is suppressed in the heart of rats with pulmonary hypertension.

OAI: DOI: 10.17863/CAM.24583
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Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is characterised by remodelling of the pulmonary vasculature leading to right ventricular hypertrophy. Here, we show that miR-322-5p (the rodent orthologue of miR-424-5p) expression is decreased in the right ventricle of monocrotaline-treated rats, a model of PAH, whereas a putative target insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is increased. IGF-1 mRNA was enriched 16-fold in RNA immunoprecipitated with Ago2, indicating binding to miR-322-5p. In cell transfection experiments, miR-322-5p suppressed the activity of a luciferase reporter containing a section of the IGF-1 3' untranslated region (UTR) as well as IGF-1 mRNA and protein levels. Taken together, these data suggest that miR-322 targets IGF-1, a process downregulated in PAH-related RV hypertrophy.